Mohen Zhang

My favourite word

I like lots of words but the first one that comes to my mind is ‘polar bear’. Of course, I love this fascinating, strong, and beautiful creature, but for me, it’s more than that. This word brings me pleasant but also very different feelings. When I think of this word in the summertime, it makes me feel ‘fresh and cool’—it reminds me of glaciers, the North Pole, the blue ocean, and even ice cream. But on cold days, the white, fluffy, and fat bear which this word stands for makes me feel very warm and cosy. To me, the word is magical because it never makes me feel the other way around!

My favourite childhood book

My favourite childhood book is The History of Reynard the Fox. My mum read it to me (in Chinese) when I was around 4. I was fascinated by the life story of Reynard the fox, but I did not and will never want to be his friend. I still like the book now.