I am a third-year DPhil candidate in ReadOxford. My DPhil research focuses on the interplay between language and emotion and how this unfolds over development. By combining data-driven corpus analysis and experimental work, I aim to understand the emotional content in childrne's written language and how emotional contexts influence the learning of novel vocabulary. Learn more about my DPhil research here.
I am passionate about children and how they develop their language and reading. This passion motivates me to engage in a range of child-related volunteering and work. Now I am excited to do research about how children learn and use emotional language and how it is associated with their emotional development. Honestly speaking, I did not start as a keen reader when I was little, but I gradually came to appreciate the beauty of reading especially when the movies or other media could not capture what words in the books create. I am hoping to better understand this irreplaceable process of reading, with a special focus on emotion words and language.